Rajajinagar, Bengaluru 560010 +91 8904137714 contact@globalcertifier.com

About Us

Welcome to Global Certifier

Let's Certify Your Success

At Global Certifier, we are dedicated to empowering businesses worldwide by providing comprehensive certification and consulting services. With a proven track record of excellence and a commitment to quality, we are your trusted partner in navigating the complex landscape of certifications and compliance.

Your Success is Our Business

At Global Certifier, we don't just offer services; we offer opportunities for your business to thrive. Our holistic approach to certifications and compliance ensures that you're not only meeting industry standards but also positioning your brand for success. Whether you're a small startup or a multinational corporation, whether you operate in manufacturing, healthcare, technology, or any other sector, Global Certifier is here to empower your journey to excellence.

Who We Are

Global Certifier brings together a team of seasoned experts with diverse backgrounds and extensive industry knowledge. Our consultants are not just professionals; they are passionate advocates for your success. We take the time to understand your unique needs, challenges, and goals, and tailor our services to drive tangible results.

What We Do

Certifications and Compliance: We specialize in helping businesses achieve and maintain various certifications and compliance standards, including ISO, CE Mark, FDA and many more international standards. Our comprehensive approach ensures that your organization is well-prepared for audits and inspections.

Quality Management: We assist businesses in implementing robust quality management systems that enhance product/service quality, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction.

Environmental Sustainability: Our experts can guide you through the process of obtaining eco-friendly certifications and creating sustainable practices that benefit both your business and the planet.

Health and Safety: We help you prioritize the safety and well-being of your employees and customers by implementing effective health and safety management systems.

Training and Development: Our training programs equip your team with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in a competitive marketplace

Why Choose Us?

Expertise & Experience

Our team of seasoned professionals comprises experts from diverse industries. We are well-versed in a wide range of certification standards, compliance regulations, and industry-specific requirements.

Customized Solutions

Your success is our priority. We work closely with you, offering ongoing support and guidance to ensure long-term success.


We are committed to delivering measurable results, whether it's improving product quality, enhancing safety standards, or expanding market reach.


We understand the sensitive nature of the certification process. Your information and data are treated with the utmost confidentiality and security.

Tailored Solutions

We recognize that every business is unique. Our solutions are customized to meet your specific needs and goals.

Value for Money

Achieve quality standards without breaking the bank. Our methods emphasize efficiency, waste reduction, and cost savings.

Promptness Assured

Time is of the essence. We guarantee timely delivery, respecting your deadlines.

360° Support

We’re with you at every step—from initial assessments to training. Count on our consultants for constant guidance.

Global Reach

We serve clients worldwide, providing our services across diverse industries and regions

Our Mission

Our mission is simple yet profound: to facilitate growth and success for businesses by ensuring they meet the highest standards of quality, safety, and sustainability. We believe that certifications are not just checkboxes but powerful tools that can open doors to new markets, enhance customer trust, and drive operational excellence.

Our Vision

To be a forerunner in the auditing, consulting and business advisory space – Globally

Core values

Integrity and ethical Business conduct, commitment to clients, service quality and reliability, continual self-improvement, Direct Open and honest communication, People as the source of our strength, Team – orientation and commitment to each other, Creativity and innovation, Strong work ethic.

Request A Consultation With Our Experts

Our streamlined certification process is tailored to help your company attain certification within a quick 7 � 30 day timeframe

Talk to Our Experts

Consulting Methodology

STEP - 1

Understanding Client's Need

We begin every engagement by thoroughly understanding the unique needs and objectives of our clients. We conduct in-depth consultations and assessments to gain insights into their operations and compliance challenges.

STEP - 2


Based on your requirements we suggest a appropriate standard, process and time duration

STEP - 3

GAP Analysis

Gap analysis/Gap assessment is an objective evaluation of your organization's current arrangements against the ISO or other international standard requirements.

STEP - 4


We help end to end with all necessary templates and documentation tailor made to align with your system.

STEP - 5


We conduct an awareness training for all your employees to create an awareness & importance of the standard which is implementing in the organisation and we conduct an internal audit training to the process head.

STEP - 6

Internal Audit & Management review meeting (MRM)

carrying out the internal audit and communicating results in a Management Review Meeting.

STEP - 7

Pre Audit Assessment

Carrying out assesment of implemented processes and documentation of audit preperation.

STEP - 8

External audit

Our consulting technique is so meticulous that the external audit goes off without any glitches. we extend all our support in completing the audit successfully.

STEP - 9

Apply for certification

We will assist you with the filling of the application.

STEP - 10

Continual improvement

Compliance is an ongoing journey. We work hand in hand with the client, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Our support extends beyond the initial consulting phase, ensuring long-term adherence to compliance standards.

Ready to Get Started?

Let's embark on a journey of growth, excellence, and compliance together. Contact Global Certifier today to discuss your unique needs and discover how we can help your business stand out in a competitive world.


Get In Touch

#233,56th cross, 3rd block, opp Rammandir ground, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru 560010


+91 890 413 7714

© Global Certifier. All Rights Reserved.